Life can be tough sometimes. Why not slowing down our paces in this hectic
social life, putting on SUDIO earphone, getting ourselves immersed in the world
of music, leaving all the noises and hassles behind.
Let the little music adventure begin !!
First of all, I need to say a million thanks to Sudio team for sending me this
exquisite earphones and it has now become one of my daily essentials in life.
What is Sudio?
Sudio is an elegant earphones brand based in
Sweden and offers premium quality sound. Their office is located at the center
of Stockholm in Sweden. Sudio earphones are sold all over the world with free
shipments online and in stores in 20 countries. Sudio is not only an
electronic product with high standard, but also an elegant accessory with
handcrafts and minilism design.
Klang is one of its collections that is particularly made for Apple products.
The full-feature 3 Button Remote and Stay-in-Ear remote is designed for IOS.
You are able to enjoy the functions of picking up phone calls by just pressing
the functioning buttons and be able to adjust the volume of the music. They're
classy earphones for those who want the good sound quality on the go.
Individuals can use this earphone with ease without worrying it from failing
off your ears as one cord is designed longer than the other to be able to put
it over the users’ neck. The Stay-in-ear feature also lets the user wear Klang
as an accessory.
are four colors available which are White, Black, Orange and Brown. Pick the
right colour and these are some of the best-looking portable earphones money
can buy!
You can quote my name 'SherineNg' to enjoy 15% off whilst checking out. Do check them out as they've just launched their latest collection !
Happy Shopping,